Saturday, January 14, 2012

Movie Reviews: Ghost (2012)

0 comments 1/5
Over all, Ghost is a horrific horror film. Best remained unseen. Read More
BollywoodHungama 1.5/5
Shiney and Sayali strive hard to keep your interest alive. Tej Sapru is decent, while Deepraj Rana doesn't get much to do. Julia gets limited lines to deliver and then it's white dress, mutilated face, twisted feet and long nails. On the whole, the scares in GHOST are inadequate and ineffectual. Read More Poor
Ghost is killer stuff in the unintentionally funny zone. Just ensure you have likeminded company and be prepared to laugh like hell! Read More
As a whole, the movie is neither a horror nor an entertainer. Give it a miss! Read More 1/5
The Ramsay brothers, whose name is synonymous with horror films, had a set formula which made sense. This one is comical in its approach. Read More
BharatStudent 1.75/5
While the first half goes about with the regular spooky happenings, the second half loses the steam. The key cause for that was the unwanted songs and the botched up romantic track. Of course, there are one or two good moments that give the jolt.Read More
IndiaGlitz 1.5/5
To cut a long story short, 'Ghost' is a weird movie. In the garb of a horror movie, it actually comes across as a two hour tale that has more unintentional humour to it than scenes that actually horrify. Read More
OneIndia 1.5/5
On the whole, Ghost is disappointing and very poor. Read More

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